Color Trends for 2019

Living Coral is Pantone’s Color of the Year

color of the year living coral

Pantone© has always been at the forefront of color forecasting, and they are predicting a warm and vibrant 2019. Deep, rich & intense, the popular colors in 2019 are confident statement colors. Pantone predicts Living Coral, a playful salmon-pink, will soon be trending in art, decor & fashion; Behr Paints & Pittsburgh Paints think blues & greens will dominate.

Color trends reflect the mood of the times. While living an increasingly digital life, people look for ways to energize themselves and connect with color on a personal level. Bold shades like Living Coral can make one feel joyful and spirited – think of the explosion of life and color found in our ocean’s coral reefs – while cooler shades of blue and evergreen can feel calm and tranquil. Here are a few uses for these trendy hues…

color of the year focal point

Focal Point

In a neutral color scheme, accent colors like Living Coral can be used as a focal point to draw the eye.

colorful frame

Fashionable Frames

Want to tie Living Coral in to your next frame design? We carry several frame lines that incorporate a similar color.

accent wall

Accent Walls

Paint one wall or section of a room in a bold color to contrast with the rest of your decor.

color of the year palette

Color Palettes

Pantone created different color palettes that help you bring Living Coral into your home decor. Check out all of the combinations here.

color of the year in art

color of the year in decor

color of the year in fashion

Trending Colors to Ring in the New Year

Watch out for these lovely hues in 2019…

color of the year cavern clay

Cavern Clay

Sherwin Williams
SW 7701

Cavern Clay brings rustic energy to your home. Blend it with natural textures, wooden furniture, leather upholstery and Southwestern textiles.

color of the year blueprint


Sherwin Williams
SW 7701

Build your own dream space with Blueprint, an honest, hardworking color that organizes space and calms mood with its subtle blue-grey tone.

color of the year nightwatch

Night Watch

Pittsburgh Paint

This rich shade of green emulates lush greenery and showcases the healing power of the outdoors. Pair with calm neutrals or soft metallics.

color of the year afternoon



Bring a little sunshine indoors with this sophisticated yet whimsical yellow. Pair it with soft warm colors for a balance of heat and energy.

color affects mood

Color Affects Mood

The color that surrounds you can dramatically influence your mood, so choose your decor colors carefully. Warm colors like reds & yellows can be stimulating and energetic….but can make some feel angry or anxious. Cool colors like blues & greens are calming and tranquil, but may lead some to feel sad or tired. How do certain colors affect you and your moods?